How to Plant Amaryllis Bulbs

You can buy amaryllis bulb kits or purchase the bulbs individually. Once planted, the bulbs take around six to eight weeks to flower. Paperwhites are another type of indoor bulb planted around the holidays. They’re quick to grow, usually flowering in just three to four weeks, and produce fragrant white flower clusters.

planting amaryllis bulbsplanting amaryllis bulbs

Step 1   Gather your supplies

You’ll need an amaryllis bulb, a container, and potting mix. A clay pot is preferable to a plastic container as clay is heavier and anchors the top-heavy amaryllis flowers. The container should be just an inch or two wider than the bulb. A six to eight inch diameter clay pot is ideal.

Step 2   Plant the bulb

Fill the pot about two thirds full of potting mix. Place the bulb on top and add more soil around the edge of the bulb, gently firming it down. Amaryllis bulbs aren’t completely buried in the soil. Instead, once planted, the top third of the bulb should remain above the soil line.

Step 3   Water

It’s important to keep the soil damp but not wet. When watering, avoid wetting the bulb. Water only the soil.

Step 4   Place the potted amaryllis bulb in a spot with bright indirect light

If the bulb is sited near a window, you may notice the stem leans towards the light. Just turn it every few days to help it grow straight. Once the flowers begin to open, you can move the amaryllis to a spot where the gorgeous blooms will be appreciated.

amaryllis floweramaryllis flower